Thank you for hosting a Lunch and Learn or Coffee Talk during the 2024 DoDIIS Worldwide Conference. There will be four simultaneous theaters offering separate presentations during the daily lunch break. Please reference the frequently asked questions below to help you prepare for your presentation. As we get closer to the date, we will post your specific time slot and the other presenters that will be going before or after you. We will also announce which theater you will be presenting in, so you know where to go on the day of the event. Below is a required form that the presenter or coordinator must fill out prior to the event. This is due by August 16, 2024. This information is needed not only to market and promote your presentation, but also for printed and digital agenda purposes. Please let us know if you need any additional information.

Submission Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2024


Does the speaker need to register for DoDIIS?

YES! Please make sure the speaker is registered in some capacity for the conference.

Registration Options:

What time should the speaker arrive for the presentation?

  • We expect the presentations to begin about 15 minutes after the sessions break for lunch, but this time could vary slightly based on how the agenda is flowing.
  • Please arrive at your scheduled theater 30 minutes before lunch is scheduled to break.
  • You can check in with me at any point before that as well and we can make sure you are all set up in the theater.
  • Rebecca Steppling, NCSI – Onsite Phone Number: (443) 904-4990

Do I need to bring my presentation with me, or should I send it in advance?

  • Please bring it with you on a USB or your computer. With advance notice we can have a PC available for you to use to present your PPT or PDF, but bringing your own computer and media is preferred.
  • If you plan to have videos, music, or embedded sound, please make sure you rehearse at your specific theater prior to the presentation so that we can pre-set the appropriate audio for your presentation.

How long can my presentation be?

  • Lunch and Learn presenters have up to 20 minutes, inclusive of time for Q&A if you wish to leave time.
  • Coffee Talk presenters have up to 15 minutes, inclusive of time for Q&A.

What Audio/Visual is provided?

  • NCSI will supply a computer (if requested), projector, and screen.
  • There will also be a microphone and podium on a small stage.
  • If you plan to bring your own computer and it requires special connections (Mac Computers), please let us know in advance, if you have not done so already.

How many people should I expect to attend?

  • Each of the theaters can hold up to 250 attendees.
  • The theaters are located in the exhibit hall and attendees must pre-register to attend the lunches.
  • Attendees will get tickets for the lunch at registration.
  • The Coffee Talk presenters will go immediately following the Lunch and Learn, and we expect attendance to drop slightly, but based on years past, you can expect about 70% of the crowd. We try to make a very quick transition between speakers to not lose the crowd!

Will I get a contact list of people who attended the lunch?

  • Both Lunch and Learn and Coffee Talk presenters (at the Gold Level and above) will get a list of attendees who register to attend the lunch and learn.
  • If you would like to track who actually participates in your lunch and learn the day of the event, you would need to use a lead retrieval device. The lead retrieval devices are obtained through the booth package with ATS.
  • All contact information provided is subject to the ā€œopt inā€ provisions during registration.
  • This list will be sent after the conclusion of the conference.

What advertising/marketing is done prior to these speaking opportunities? Is it different for Lunch and Learns vs Coffee Talks?

These speaking opportunities are advertised as Lunch and Learn {presented by: company name } immediately following Coffee Talk {presented by: company name }. Visit the lunch and learn webpage to see the current sessions.

Lunch and Learn Marketing:

  • Email sent to registered attendees reminding them to attend (advertisement for your company included)
  • Logo Placement on Lunch Tickets Distributed to registered lunch attendees
  • Branded Napkins
  • Title of presentation and company logo listed on event website under Lunch and Learns
  • Agenda signage at the entrance of the theater
  • Listed in the printed program under ā€œconference at a glanceā€ with the schedule of lunch and learns
  • Listed under Lunch and Learns in the App
  • Depending on Sponsorship Level, logo placed in various places throughout print and digital spaces

Coffee Talk Marketing:

  • Title of presentation and company logo listed on event website under Lunch and Learns
  • Agenda signage at the entrance of the theater
  • Listed in the printed program under ā€œconference at a glanceā€ with the schedule of lunch and learns
  • Listed under Lunch and Learns in the App
  • Depending on Sponsorship Level, logo placed in various places throughout print and digital spaces


  • Additional Point of Contact

  • Presentation Details

  • (150 words or less)
  • 50 word company description to include at the bottom of the email reminding registered attendees to attend the lunch.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.