Flexible Event Planning Services

Looking to plan an event but unsure where to start? Already started planning your event, and realize you could use some help? The staff at NCSI are experts in the planning, marketing, and production of events and expositions custom tailored to meet the requirements of the DoD, Intelligence Community, and Federal Government. Regardless of whether you are a few months into the planning process, or just have an idea starting to form, when it comes to meetings and events, our capabilities, resources, flexibility, and track record of success are unmatched. We stand ready to take on your most demanding and/or complex projects, whether a classified or unclassified event, stateside, or OCONUS.

The majority of our event planning services are available using a unique no-cost model, which offers our government clients the opportunity to utilize the full array of our services at no-cost to the hosting agency or organization.

Whether you are planning a conference, industry day, or exposition, our experts are ready to help take your event from good to great.

Government ConferencesĀ 

NCSI works closely with hosting government organizations who have a requirement to conduct a conference, accompanied by a technology exposition, for the purpose of providing their community an opportunity to gather, share information, and collaborate under one roof. Conferences range in size from 300 to 3,000+ participants and typically take place in destination cities over multiple days. Collaboration is key, and as a valuable part of the governmentā€™s conference planning team, NCSI handles the simplest to most complex logistical requirements, from site selection to VIP protocol to graphic design, allowing the government to focus on the important content and overall mission objectives for their program.

Technology Expositions

Exposition in Conjunction with your Event

A technology exposition, in conjunction with your event, enables your attendees to evaluate emerging and mission related technologies that can run parallel to an event theme or agenda. Expos encourage dialogue, education, and collaboration between government and industry attendees while fostering a culture of partnership with the vendor community in an ethical forum. To ensure compliance with ethics regulations, exhibitor recruitment and logistics are expertly managed to avoid the appearance or implication of government endorsement or favoritism.

On-Site Exposition as a Standalone Event

On-site expos typically occur in a main headquarters building or community area, last four hours in duration, and attract 25+ exhibitors and 250+ government participants in a single day! These compact, yet potent, events showcase mission-appropriate technologies and are held on-site so that they are free, open, and convenient to senior leadership and all other interested personnel. On-site expos are sponsored/hosted regularly at U.S. Government locations around the world by groups/commands within the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and Civilian Agencies and serve to advance organizational mission, goals, and objectives.

Industry Days

Industry Days are uniquely designed for government personnel to present their current and future initiatives and requirements to an audience of industry representatives, thereby fostering the healthy collaboration essential for innovation and progress. These events consist of briefings by agency and DoD leaders and are attended by hundreds of industry representatives seeking information on short and long-term vision and initiatives. In many cases, industry days will include a subsequent exposition where industry partners are able to showcase their solutions to government representatives.

International Events

NCSI provides event facilitation for the US Military and Government stationed overseas, and has been contracted to offer expos, events, conferences, and industry days to key partners within USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and USPACOM. The majority of our services focus on the USEUCOM AOR, and for more than 20 years, NCSI has coordinated on-site expos and international events in Stuttgart, Ramstein, Wiesbaden, Garmisch, Heidelberg, Munich, and many other cities throughout Germany. We also have experience in Italy, South Korea, Japan, England, and various African countries. We have coordinated international events at a variety of security levels, and have experience with international registrations, logistics, and exhibit hall management.

Mission Driven Themed Events

NCSI has vast experience in planning specific events tailored to meet your organizationā€™s requirements. From tactical events to medical events and cyber days, we are dedicated to bringing the right technologies to help fulfill your organizationā€™s mission. Over the years our portfolio has grown to include federal government events that focus on holistic health and fitness, medical technologies, tactical equipment and technologies, as well as traditional intel and DoD intensive IT and communications events.

Event Deliverables

Our professional and dedicated staff approaches each event with meticulous attention to detail and are dedicated to carefully executing each task thoroughly and completely in order to ensure flawless execution throughout the life cycle of each event.

Capabilities Include:

  • Assistance with navigating your event approval process
  • Audio visual production and staging
  • Contract negotiation
  • Exhibitor recruitment & sponsorship sales
  • Graphic design and creative services
  • Hotel room block management
  • Marketing and event promotional campaigns
  • Registration services
  • Professional management and staffing
  • Security protocol compliance
  • Site selection
  • Speaker logistics
  • VIP and Speaker coordination
  • Website development and maintenance

Engage Our Services

NCSI has worked on a wide-range of conferences, meetings, and expos over the past two decades. We make the process of engaging with NCSI easy, and you get to turn the heavy lifting of event planning over to us. NCSIā€™s no-cost contract has been validated for use by all federal agencies by the GAO (See GAO Ruling B-308968, No-Cost Contracts for Event Planning Services, Nov 27, 2007.Ā https://www.gao.gov/products/b-308968)

For more information contact:
Rebecca Steppling, Senior Vice President
Phone: 443-561-2406
Email: steppling@ncsi.com