NCSI is committed to providing a professional, inclusive and safe environment at all the events we produce.Ā  Unprofessional behavior or harassment toward any NCSI staff member or any event participant is strictly prohibited.Ā  The guidelines below have been developed to ensure a positive event experience for all participants.

All participants (including staff, contractors, vendors, exhibitors, venue staff and attendees of any type) shall:

  • Exercise consideration, collegiality and mutual respect for all participants and property
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, harassing or vulgar behavior, speech, jokes, etc.
  • Be mindful of their surroundings and fellow participants
  • Alert event management if you notice a dangerous situation or unusual activities
  • Observe all NCSI registration, credentialing and admission rules and not provide false or misleading information
  • Wear name badge while in the conference/exposition space
  • Properly identify themselves and their organization at all times and produce government ID upon request.
  • Conduct themselves with the highest standards of professionalism.
  • Be courteous and respectful
  • Be dressed in clothing considered appropriate and respectful for a professional environment. Business or business casual attire is recommended.Ā  Participants must not be dressed in clothing that is sexually revealing.
  • Comply with all federal, state and local laws concerning conduct
  • Comply with all venue rules & regulations concerning conduct
  • Comply with host government/sponsor code of conduct

The following activities are prohibited at NCSI events:

  • Discriminating, harassing or demeaning treatment based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or attire.
  • Sexual harassment in any form

Event participants should promptly report misconduct to an NCSI staff member who will immediately reach out to a member of the NCSI executive team who will determine next steps which could include contacting the host/sponsor, the participantā€™s company or base/agency security and/or local law enforcement.Ā  NCSI reserves the right to take any action that is reasonably necessary, in the sole judgment of NCSI, for the protection of NCSI and its participants, including but not limited to exhibitors and/or attendees.Ā  Ā NCSI participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event and any and all future events without a refund at the discretion of NCSI management.


NCSI has a no-solicitation policy covering all of our conferences and expositions. In order to provide a distraction-free environment for our exhibitors, sponsors, attendees and employees, we do not allow solicitation at our events by attendees or unauthorized parties without the express written permission of NCSI. This policy includes, but is not limited to the following unauthorized activities.

Prohibited Activities:

  • Unauthorized receptions & parties (including off-site events)
  • Unauthorized exhibits, mobile exhibits & hospitality suites
  • Unauthorized membership recruitment activities
  • Unauthorized promotion of non-NCSI events
  • Unauthorized employment recruiting
  • Unauthorized on-site distribution of printed or electronic materials including literature, signs, flyers, invitations, tickets, forms, etc. (except business cards)

Any person and/or organization found to be violating this policy may be expelled from the event. No refunds.

Exhibitors or sponsors found to be violating this policy agree to pay NCSI the equivalent fee stated in the eventā€™s published rate schedule for exhibit space and/or sponsorships and may be expelled from the event. No refunds.

Egregious and/or multiple violations of this policy may result in disqualification from future events at the discretion of NCSI.


NCSI Maintains a Commitment to Operate a Secure Site

NCSI strives to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy, and is willing to disclose our information practices.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the following statement, please contact webmaster@ncsi.com.


National Conference Services, Inc. is committed to providing access to our website for all visitors with disabilities.

To meet this commitment, we comply with the requirements of Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act. Section 508 (29 U.S.C 794d), requiring that individuals with disabilities, who are federal employees or members of the public seeking information or services from us have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the information provided to federal employees or the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on us.

If you have a problem viewing any material onĀ www.ncsi.comĀ because of difficulties with assistive technologies, please contact Jeremy Bellusci at 443-561-2400 for assistance. If you contact us by e-mail, please help us respond to you in the most helpful way by indicating the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format in which you want to receive the material, and your contact information.

Personal Information

You can view the NCSI website without entering personal information. Because of the nature of our business, NCSI is often required to collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from event participants in order to verify their participation credentials. The government will determine what data is required in order to vet attendees prior to acceptance. PII that is not required by the government is not being collected on our website or through the registration process. Once you choose to provide us PII, you can be assured that it will only be used to support your customer relationship with NCSI. NCSI takes precautions to safeguard PII, and every NCSI employee completes a PII training. Any required PII collected during the registration process is purged at regularly scheduled intervals.

Data Collection and Storage

The collection of demographic information during the registration process is secure, and specific information is released to other event participants only with the consent of the individual whose data is being shared. All event participants are given the option to opt in or out of sharing their data with other event participants either online or in person. This information is never sold, traded, or offered to third parties. Registrants may also contact NCSI at any time to ask to be added to or removed from our database by emailing webmaster@ncsi.com.

For Events that Offer Lead Retrieval:

Demographic data that is collected during registration (ie: name, phone, email, job title) is saved in NCSIā€™s database and included on the badge. All participants may offer consent to having their badge scanned and the transfer of their data. There is not an option for long distance retrieval of data or information. When event participants consent to having their badge scanned by others at the event (sponsors, exhibitors, other participants) they are agreeing to share their registration details and consent to having someone reach out to them via the information gathered during the exchange. Event participants are notified that they are not required to allow others to scan their badges if they do not wish to share their information. This notification of consent is listed in both the event program and upon registration. For qualifying event sponsors, a list of registered attendees who have consented to share their contact information is provided after the event has taken place. This list will only contain data from registrants who have consented to share their information.

For Events that Offer Sharing of Registration Details with other Event Participants (attendee lists):

For events where a list is provided to participants at the conclusion of the event, attendees have the option to register online and/or onsite. If they wish to decline providing demographic data they may opt out onsite at the event. Participant attendee lists are only shared with people registered for the event. Requests from attendees to be removed from the shared list will be honored before the list is distributed to event attendees. The lists are never sold, traded, or offered to third parties.

Legal Disclaimer

We may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on our website.


Our website has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.


Email correspondence is used to raise and to respond to issues and inquiries of all types. Newsletters are sent to customers who subscribe to our mailing list and would like to stay up-to-date with the latest news, information, and special reports about NCSIā€™s latest events and activities. You may opt-out of receiving future mailings.

Childrenā€™s Guidelines

Children under 14 are not eligible to use our applications or services and we ask that minors (under the age of 14) do not submit any personal information to us. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 14. If you are a minor, you can only view our public website. If we learn that we have personal information on a child under the age of 14, we will delete that information from our systems.


If you have any questions about our policies or the practices of this website please contact:

Privacy Administrator
National Conference Services, Inc.
10211 Wincopin Circle, Suite 600
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: 443-561-2400/888-603-8899