You are required to submit your security access information for each in-agency technology exposition at which you will be exhibiting. Please select from the list below of upcoming events and under the Industry Exhibitors tab click “Submit Security”.

NCSI is required by the government hosts to collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from event participants in order to review each individual prior to granting them access to an installation or government facility. The government will determine what data is required in order to vet attendees prior to acceptance. Once you choose to provide us PII, you can be assured that it will only be used to support your customer relationship with NCSI. Any required PII collected during the registration process is purged at regularly scheduled intervals.

All participants/exhibitors assume the responsibility of providing accurate information in order to gain access to government installations. If a company or individual neglects to provide security access information, or provides it after the deadline, they are still responsible for paying the contracted price for their participation. If the government informs NCSI that an individual will not be allowed access to an installation, we will reach out to make alternate arrangements, if applicable. Not all installations allow access for non US citizens, however; at certain locations exceptions can be made. If this is applicable to you, please check with your NCSI representative for specific details.

Participants are strongly encouraged to bring two forms of ID, such as a valid Passport in addition to Driver’s License to all event locations. Due to new restrictions being put in place from the REAL ID ACT, your driver’s license may contain the phrase “Not Valid for Federal Identification Purposes” or “Federal Limits May Apply” that you may not even be aware of. These ID’s will not be accepted by the DoD and therefore your access to the installation will be denied if you do not have a second form of valid ID. NCSI cannot aid in your access should you possess an invalid ID. As NCSI does not want anyone to travel all the way to an event location to incur this scenario, so we strongly encourage exhibitors to travel with a valid passport in addition to their driver’s license.

Security submission is currently available for the following events:

No upcoming events!