
The NRO Chief Information Officer is proud to host NRO’s 1st IC ITE Day. This event provides NRO Customers, Users, and Implementers opportunities to raise awareness of existing and coming IC ITE services, outline NRO’s early success in adopting IC ITE, and educate and inform Directorates and Offices on IC ITE and NRO’s transition to IC ITE Services to support their own planning and migration.

This event will showcase how IC ITE will further the IC’s Intelligence Integration strategy by providing enhanced interoperability of systems and information across the IC, along with changing the community’s IT operating model. Participants will be provided in-depth technological discussions and mission successes that were attributed to the IC ITE, including information on the IC ITE services for which NRO was assigned responsibility to develop: Networks Requirements and Engineering Service Provider and CONUS WAN Provider.

Featured presentations will include:

  • Early Mission Adoption successes and ongoing campaign plans to integrate IC ITE capabilities to meet Mission Requirements
  • NRO’s approach to DTE adoption and Application Rationalization
  • C2S and GovCloud services and Transition Planning for Directorates and Offices
  • Adoption and Integration of IA&A and Audit Services
  • And many more!